Loch Kinord.
Etching with aquatint on paper. 2017

Birch Tree's at Loch Kinord.
Etching with aquatint on paper. 2017

Leaves etched into the plate through soft ground process.
Etching with aquatint on paper. 2017

Using an old map of the west coast of Scotland, I created a photo-etching, altering the colour and creating a finished piece from a small segment of the map.
Photo-etching on paper. 2016

Using an old postcard of a beach in Greece, I created a photo-etching which I could then adapt the colour, making it seem like an ageing photograph.
Photo-etching on paper. 2016

Using appropriated imagery I created a photo-etching to experiment with the colour and effect that the etching process can have on photographic imagery.
Photo-etching on paper. 2016

Using appropriated imagery I created a photo-etching to experiment with the colour and effect that the etching process can have on photographic imagery. This photo I sewed into and altered the expression, by canning and re-producing this image, I was able to make the sewing and photo become one object on a flat plane.
Photo-etching on paper. 2016
![Aberdeen Beach Series [5]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/58f22866cd0f68deb253af79/1493130485124-YJ63T6SJZTSMNPXPC2OL/_DSC9312.jpg)
From the Aberdeen Beach Series.
Photo-etching on paper. 2016

Ethereal leaves in a autumnal puddle
Aquatint on Paper. 2017

A photo-etching of Aberdeen Beach with a figure. Made whilst exploring the concept of degrading memories.
Photo-etching on paper. 2016

Ethereal leaves in a autumnal puddle
Aquatint on Paper. 2017

Pieces of work displayed for the art history show ARTefacts
Printer's Hands
A print of a print-makers hands illustrating how hands can shape and create new space within prints.
Spaces Behind
The back of Printer's Hands print, printed onto paper. This illustrates how a space can be made from an etching plate.
Etchings with aquatint on paper. 2017

![Aberdeen Beach Series [5]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/58f22866cd0f68deb253af79/1493130485124-YJ63T6SJZTSMNPXPC2OL/_DSC9312.jpg)

Loch Kinord.
Etching with aquatint on paper. 2017
Birch Tree's at Loch Kinord.
Etching with aquatint on paper. 2017
Leaves etched into the plate through soft ground process.
Etching with aquatint on paper. 2017
Using an old map of the west coast of Scotland, I created a photo-etching, altering the colour and creating a finished piece from a small segment of the map.
Photo-etching on paper. 2016
Using an old postcard of a beach in Greece, I created a photo-etching which I could then adapt the colour, making it seem like an ageing photograph.
Photo-etching on paper. 2016
Using appropriated imagery I created a photo-etching to experiment with the colour and effect that the etching process can have on photographic imagery.
Photo-etching on paper. 2016
Using appropriated imagery I created a photo-etching to experiment with the colour and effect that the etching process can have on photographic imagery. This photo I sewed into and altered the expression, by canning and re-producing this image, I was able to make the sewing and photo become one object on a flat plane.
Photo-etching on paper. 2016
From the Aberdeen Beach Series.
Photo-etching on paper. 2016
Ethereal leaves in a autumnal puddle
Aquatint on Paper. 2017
A photo-etching of Aberdeen Beach with a figure. Made whilst exploring the concept of degrading memories.
Photo-etching on paper. 2016
Ethereal leaves in a autumnal puddle
Aquatint on Paper. 2017
Pieces of work displayed for the art history show ARTefacts
Printer's Hands
A print of a print-makers hands illustrating how hands can shape and create new space within prints.
Spaces Behind
The back of Printer's Hands print, printed onto paper. This illustrates how a space can be made from an etching plate.
Etchings with aquatint on paper. 2017