A 5 colour screen print created and printed for the Jealous Needs You exhibition in the summer of 2018.
Jealous Print Studios, 2018, London
Screenprint on paper. 2018

Hand screen-printed wallpaper based on a digital collage. The images used were from photographic material that I had collected on my research trip to Scotland to visit a place that holds special meaning for me. Each object used in the collage holds a particular significance.
Screen-printed wallpaper. 2017

Hand screen-printed wallpaper based on a digital collage. The images used were from photographic material that I had collected on my research trip to Scotland to visit a place that holds special meaning for me. Each object used in the collage holds a particular significance.
Screen-printed wallpaper. 2017

This is a series of screen prints which were an exploration into colour using found imagery from my grandfather’s slide collection. Taking imagery that seemed only important to him, without any attached nostalgia from any surviving members of the family, I decided to give them new life by using them in my Memory Moon series.
Screenprint on paper. 2018

Screenprint on paper. 2018

Screenprint on paper, 2018

Screenprint on paper. 2018

Screenprint on paper. 2018

Screenprint on paper. 2018

A 5 colour screen print created and printed for the Jealous Needs You exhibition in the summer of 2018.
Jealous Print Studios, 2018, London
Screenprint on paper. 2018
Hand screen-printed wallpaper based on a digital collage. The images used were from photographic material that I had collected on my research trip to Scotland to visit a place that holds special meaning for me. Each object used in the collage holds a particular significance.
Screen-printed wallpaper. 2017
Hand screen-printed wallpaper based on a digital collage. The images used were from photographic material that I had collected on my research trip to Scotland to visit a place that holds special meaning for me. Each object used in the collage holds a particular significance.
Screen-printed wallpaper. 2017
This is a series of screen prints which were an exploration into colour using found imagery from my grandfather’s slide collection. Taking imagery that seemed only important to him, without any attached nostalgia from any surviving members of the family, I decided to give them new life by using them in my Memory Moon series.
Screenprint on paper. 2018
Screenprint on paper. 2018
Screenprint on paper, 2018
Screenprint on paper. 2018
Screenprint on paper. 2018
Screenprint on paper. 2018